Physical Therapy Services
Evaluate • Diagnose • Treat
If your child needs help with balance, coordination, building muscle strength, or improving range of motion, Aspire’s physical therapists can help.
Pediatric physical therapy promotes independence, increases participation, facilitates motor development and function, improves strength and endurance, enhances learning opportunities, and eases challenges with daily caregiving. PT can benefit children after an injury or help kids who have complications from an illness, disease, or disability.
Aspire's doctoral-level physical therapists examine, evaluate, diagnose, and apply intervention strategies in collaboration with the child's family and other service providers.

Physical therapy at Aspire can
address the following:
Gross motor coordination
Develop flexibility, strength, and range of motion
Improve balance
Reduce pain
Achieve developmental milestones (ex: roll, sit, crawl, stand, walk)
Assess for orthotics
Consult and assist with ordering adaptive equipment
Bowel and bladder control
PT may be recommended for children with the following:
Aspire therapists also have specialized training in:
Developmental delays/Autism
Coordination disorders
Vestibular disorders
Sports injuries
Down Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Genetic disorders
Orthopedic disabilities
Birth defects
Spina Bifida
Muscular dystrophy
Rett Syndrome
Bowel and bladder difficulties
Aspire's physical therapists have specialized training in the following:
Aquatic Therapy
Chronic Pain/Pain Management
Orthotics and Pediatric Gait Assessment
Power Mobility Assessments and Access
Pelvic Floor Therapy
Aspire's physical therapists utilize evidence-based care in all services.
If you have questions or concerns about your whether PT is right for your child, contact Aspire today to set up a free consultation.
Our PT really seems to understand my child and creates a safe space where she can explore how her body moves but postures it as play and it's amazing. My daughter looks forward to her appointments and rarely has any issue with me leaving during her appointment."
- AM